Friday, October 26, 2007

Sad, Sad Day

My (and Cassie and Claire's and Awesome's) favorite illegal movie and TV site was shut down rather dramatically recently. The site was Thanks to Awesome for giving me the Guardian article about it. According to the article (here) the site closure was "accompanied by raids and an arrest" haha. It's really unfortunate, because I was looking forward to watching all of Twin Peaks. I feel like there is a Twin Peaks-shaped vacuum in my cultural education.

I still don't know my ethics on TV and movies on the internet. I feel like TV shows should be on another plane ethically because of the invention of TiVo and DVR. You can get TV shows on demand in that arena, why not on the internet? Yes, I realize you also pay for the service. I don't know.

I should probably just stick to the free shows that are on the channel websites (NBC, Discovery Channel, more). Suck town.

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