Thursday, January 10, 2008

Department of Good Advertising

Good job, Converse:

Ad 1: The Pageant

Ad 2: Grateful


  1. This is just a general comment, not particularly associated w/ the Converse ads (although they are very nice).

    I feel smarter after reading your blog.

    And you need to add "get arrested for a non-felonious offense" to your list of things to do before you die. And if you go to the New Cathedral in St. Louis, take me with you because I'm obsessed with mosaics!

  2. Martata,
    i'm wearing my all*'s as we speak! and ben and his other columbus friends informed me yesterday that chuck taylor was indeed from columbus, in.

  3. caroline- of course he was.

    julie - ok, when are you back in town? we can go!
