Saturday, January 5, 2008

Things to master in 2008:

I guess this is kind of like my new year's resolution list. But I'm not really resolving to do them, I just think it'd be sweet. High expectations ruin most things. Here we go:

1. Gain a firm grasp of the electoral process and my opinion of it.
2. Finish 'The Brothers Karamazov' and 'Middlemarch' - both intensely hard to maintain focus while reading them.
3. Buy a good MP3 player
4. master Julia Child's 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking'
5. figure out Microsoft Money
6. master the stock market
7. figure out linguistics and its link to postmodernism
8. set up Carrie on a blind date
9. figure out a way to feed myself after May 17th
10. fall in love with St. Louis again

1 comment:

  1. screw microsoft money. it's overkill for people our age... or atleast for my financial needs.

    i set up an account at and use that to track my finances. it's a online banking aggragator. in other words - it logs into all of your bank accounts and credit card accounts and puts all of info in one place. the only thing it doesn't really do is cash - but i barely ever use cash so its okay for me.

    anyways, there's my .02.
