Thursday, February 28, 2008


Sometimes I can't put into words how much I deeply enjoy Veritas, and more specifically, Ryan Wampler. Today we had our 'Coffee and Theology' meeting, which was on the division between the Catholic and Protestant churches. A lady from the Newman Center (our on-campus Catholic student ministry) was there, which was very very helpful and wonderful.

The discussion was short and informational and good. But something struck me during the discussion. I think the Catholic church is the least postmodern organization in existence today. It's big, it's universal, it's authoritarian, it doesn't really support questioning authority, it's hierarchical, it supports homogeneity in doctrine, the list goes on and on.

They support the group over the individual, even when the group is wrong. They trust that the organization will eventually correct itself over time, but fidelity is more important. This is radical in our age.

Perhaps their complete un-postmodernness is what makes them attractive. And perhaps it

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