Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hey kids. This is Julie.

So Dubai. [Bear with me here...] A few months ago I had a nightmare that my mom was driving a flying conversion van through the crazy-tall buildings of Dubai and we almost died a bunch of times and it was really scary. We were driving up through the floors of this one spiral-y hotel (yes, you could drive up it, and yes, sometimes the van could fly, and sometimes it could only drive) and the building was so tall it started to sway really bad. But what was scarier was that the Dubai military was after us because apparently they don't allow Americans to fly their vans in Dubai. Our van then started to fall through the floors of the hotel down to the bottom floor, which was submerged (aka the foundation was built under water because Dubai sucks like that in my dream). Luckily though, the flying van somehow allowed us to escape, and as we flew away over the burning city (it was all being destroyed by something), I vowed I would NEVER GO BACK TO THAT WRETCHED PLACE.

Then a couple days ago, Marta sent me this link:

At first glance, you think THIS IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH. But let's remember my dream people! Dubai is obviously trying to champion nature and/or God, because who else would try to build the biggest and best of everything in the whole world that seems to defy the laws of physics? Crazy people, that's who. People who think they are invincible and have trillions of dollars to spare. Mark my words, as soon as all that crap is built, there is going to be a giant tsunami or something else horrendous that destroys all of this. And millions of people are gonna die. NOT GOOD.

Also, as you marvel at these feats of engineering, remember that these buildings are being constructed by slaves. Read the statistic at the end. Dubai pays its migrant workers disgustingly low wages and then charges them more than they make for rent, food, etc, so they will forever be indebted and won't be able to leave. Look it up... try searching "Dubai" on

Sorry this turned into a lecture. Basically, don't go to Dubai! Tsunami! Slavery!


  1. first, i don't appreciate being referred to as "my friend"
    second, nice job on your second blog post
    third, put some pictures up or else people won't read it
    fourth, read my beauty post, or at least the last paragraph.

  2. i didn't remember that it was you who sent it to me and OKIE DOKIE

  3. I just laughed out loud . . . your dream sounds terrifying.
