Friday, February 22, 2008

More L'Abri:

continuing on with David Richter's talk on music sharing/piracy:
- Wilco made a movie: 'I am Trying to Break Your Heart' - I want to see it.
- (my point) that we should "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" when it comes to the music industry.
- But things are changing. The current file copyright laws are doomed to fail.
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's story: NPR Music article

Dick Keyes: "The Breadth of God's Lordship"
- Paul (or someone) uses the same word for us being compelled to have sex with our spouses as we are compelled to pay taxes.
- Martin Luther said this about his son: "...running about befouling the corners of the room, but I would not trade him for all the kingdoms of Europe" (I couldn't find the quote online - but it's wonderful anyways)
- ingredients for a worldview: what exists, what is wrong, what is the solution

Denis Haack: "Humor (or something)"
very cool poster from Charlie Chaplin's movie 'City Lights'

- I want to see this: 'Being There', about a guy who just watches TV all of his life and then goes into the world and says pithy things he's heard on TV and everyone hails him as a wise leader. Peter Sellers!

Travis Scott: "Tattoos"
- tattoos can be Ebenezers of Ink, a reminder of the Lord's provision during different times of our lives.
- "your body is a temple - decorate!"
- Sociologist Michael O'Hanlan about the Wahgi: the decorated appearance is to reveal rather than conceal (more on this later)

Rudolfo Souza: "Brazillian Culture"
- this guy is trying to start a L'Abri in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I want to go.
- the Assemblies of God church has been extremely successful in Brazil, and the reason is seen to be that the theology of the charismatic church is very similar to the existing Brazilian culture. The Assemblies of God church puts a lot of emphasis on Christ's return. Brazilian culture is quite passive and a lot of hope is put into revolutions and leaders to come in and change everything. Fascinating.
- this very cool picture:

Andrew Fellows: "Living in God's Gift Economy"
- The Choral Anthems by Stanford, Andrew was given this and it rocks.


  1. Hi Marta! I am so so envious that you were able to go to the L'abri conference. Sounds amazing. Just a little correction--the Brazilian guy's name is "Rudolfo", not Adolfo. He was in Greatham last summer when I was there. Did you go to is lecture on Kierkegaard? I was tempted to travel cross country for that one.

  2. NO! I didn't go to the Kierkegaard one, I only got four choices, and that one lost out. I thought his lecture on brazilian culture rocked hard core, though. thanks for the spell check!
