Saturday, March 8, 2008

Marvin Gaye Even Makes Inanimate Chocolate Objects Want to GET IT ON

This commercial immediately reminded me of Marta. One, this song is her ring tone. I don't remember for who, but probably Nina or something. Two, it's hilarious because it insinuates that the chocolate bunny and the peanut butter got it on, and the mating of these two objects created an egg. Quite biological, dontcha think? Lovely :).


  1. hahahaha. Why does that make you think of Marta? Is this some weird girl thingy that I don't understand?

  2. patrick, to know marta is to know marvin gaye

  3. couldn't have said it better myself. and again, the marvin gaye ringtone: every time i hear that song i think of marta, and every time i hear her phone ring i laugh.
