Thursday, September 11, 2008

Equilibration: evidence for humanity being a bunch of suckers

"Equilibration is the natural tendency to maintain a balance between what one already knows (the cognitive network) and what one experiences in the world. when this balance is disturbed - that is, when we experience something that does not fit what we know - we experience anxiety, discomfort, or confusion. This confusion is called disequilibrium. Equilibration compels us to reduce the disequilibrium by restoring the balance, or equilibrium, between our understanding of the world and our experiences with the world.

"An example of this in an educational setting is an exam. Students prefer living in a state of equilibrium. However, once the professor announces that an exam will occur in the class next week, the student suddenly develops anxiety and fear. This disequilibrium is only resolved by reading, studying, and memorizing the material that serves as the basis of for the exam. In this example, the disequilibrium facilitates learngin by serving as a motivating influence for study."

from my text book for my Educational Foundations class, Christian Education by Michael J. Anthony

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