Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome Chrome!


So I've been reading in the past couple months about how in the future cloud computing will be a reality and instead of our hardware (laptops, operating systems, etc.) being important, the Internet browser will be.  In the NYtimes article "Browsers Are a Battleground Once Again" talks about the competition between the browsers and the improvements in technology now that people are thinking in more of a cloud-computing direction.  

But, all this to say, I heard on NPR this morning (I think) that Google released their own browser, Chrome!  I'm typing in it now, and it's different but awesome.  To a layperson like me, it just seems like a pared-down version of all other browsers.  By mistake, I just found out that you can use ctrl+any number and it will jump to that number tab.  cool.  oh wait, i just tried the same thing in firefox and it works as well.  oh well - fun fact of the day!

Here's a cool comic description of Google's Chrome and why it's cool and why it's the future:

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