Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Dread Report, part 2

Well, the dreads are coming along. I put absolutely no work into my hair, and I think it's all coming along quite nicely. They are noticable enough for people to see that there is something going on, but I wouldn't say that I have full-fledged anything. It's a hot mess.

The reason I wanted to write up an updated report was because of something interesting I have noticed in regards to how guys have been treating me since I started growing them. I would say there has been a 2/3 increase in the amount of guys who chat me up in public since the dreads started in late September. Having discussed this with my roommates and my mom, there have been a couple theories as to why:

Allie's theory #1: it's the sexy, just-got-out-of-bed look.
Allie's theory #2: it's edgy and rebellious looking, guys dig that.
Mom's theory: it's not the hair at all, but my skin is clearer and guys dig that.
My theory: I like the way I look with the dreads and that projects a positive attitude.

I think the truth resides more in Allie's theory #2 because a guy started chatting me up in the dairy section of Global Foods last night and I was just as awkward as I was pre-dreads.

oh, and i tried to comb-out a dread last week and it was totally unsuccessful and we basically had to cut it out.  oh no!
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  1. I agree mostly with your theory with a sprinkling of other theories on top.
