Monday, December 15, 2008

Word of the Day

you have no idea what I had to go through to get this word.  I remembered loving this word and find a few choice opportunities to use it and couldn't for the life of me remember what it was.  I had to call my mom, get our New Yorker subscription number, log in under my Dad's email...etc.  Just to track down this article on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour from the July 10, 2006 issue.  Well, here it is, our word of the day:

uxoriousOverly devoted or submissive to one's wife

What a great word.  It's up there on my favorites list with nepotism.  

1 comment:

  1. The title of the first poem i ever wrote was based on this word. "The Flawless Nomad of Ux." My teacher hated it. I grew to hate it too. Two decades later, I'm realizing it was a work of genius. Have you ever thought of how different your life would be if people hadn't been telling you how much you sucked the whole time?
