Saturday, February 21, 2009


Introduction to Shoulder Muscle Physical Therapy -- powered by

my body is freaky. ever since i can remember, i have not had near the same range of motion with my right arm/shoulder as i have with my left. I can reach about 7 inches higher behind my back with my left hand than i can with my right. i asked my doc about it and she was like "weird. does it bother you? (no, not really). ok. well, bodies are different"

but, (seriously) i tried to throw a piece of mulch at my neighbor's window one night with a parka on and my shoulder has been kind of sore ever since. and then i tried to throw a football all cool and spiral-y with some 8th grade boys and because of female socialization i was never really taught how to do it well and sprained it again.

so i think i'm gonna do a little self physical therapy (ha).

1 comment:

  1. and why haven't you shown me your freakish arm talent yet? i can't wait!
