Monday, April 5, 2010

"The sacrificial system therefore presents different models or analogies to describe the effects of sin and the way of remedying them.
- The burnt offering uses a personal picture: of man the guilty sinner who deserves to die for his sin and of the animal dying in his place. God accepts the animal as a ransom for man.
- The sin offering uses a medical model: sin makes the world so dirty that God can no longer dwell there. The blood of the animal disinfects the sanctuary in order that God may continue to be present with his people.
- The reparation offering presents a commercial picture of sin. Sin is a debt which man incurs against God. The debt is paid through the offered animal."
"...They are human terms designed to give mere man some insight into the mysteries of our redemption."

- The New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Leviticus by George Wenham

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