Saturday, September 17, 2011

You do not want to be this guy:

From This American Life "20 Acts in 60 minutes" episode, (Act 15)

IRA: "In the mid-1980s, right after college, David Rackoff moved to Japan.  And pretty soon ended up in this office job where he was convinced that he understood a secret about the company that nobody else, not even the big bosses of the company could see.  It was like that from the start.

DAVID: Primarily the office was an advertising agency but what they were setting up was this thing for expatriates who were living in Tokyo at the time, or perhaps all of Japan.  And it was like a network on a computer.  And they would set up a newsletter on the network and people could, quote, log-on to the computer and talk to one another.  Or do research.  And I was just, I don't know, I just looked around the room and I saw these computers and could only think, "What kind of loser would log on to a computer (Ira Glass laughing), talk to someone."  ... And in almost the only moment of decisiveness in my entire adult life, I have never equalled this, I went in the next morning and I quit.  And all I could think was "Sayonara, suckers!  Good luck with your network!"  And we know exactly what the network was, it was the internet.
I have a negative capacity to identify trends.  Like when, in college, I went to go see Madonna at Danceteria, which was a club downtown, in like 1982 or whatever.  And I thought, "Boy, is she lousy!"

IRA: Other examples besides Madonna and the Internet?

DAVID: Other than Madonna and the Internet you need another example?  Uh, when I was an editorial assistant working in publishing, I was handed a manuscript to read and I think I wrote, "Sub-literate, borderline-misogyny, easy pass" and somebody thought, "I'm just going to take a look at this anyway" - Uh, it was Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus. [Ira laughs]  These are not like, "I don't think Alicia Silverstone is going to be very good in Clueless," these are like, you know...

IRA: Pretty big, iconic ones.

DAVID: Yeaaah.  It's like "Have you fellows heard that crazy lunatic in the marketplace speaking against the Pharisees?  He'll burn off like so much morning fog, we'll never hear about him..."  You know, it's just like that.

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