Friday, September 21, 2007

Something Interesting from Class Today...

In my 20th C. American Lit. class we are reading the Routledge Companion to Postmodernism, which is super interesting because it is a bunch of essays on how Postmodernism affects philosophy, politics, feminism, you name it. It's great. However, the book that I accidentally bought instead was even more interesting because it gave the ideas from the source, with articles by Lyotard and Derrida, among others.
But I'm not being graded on that book so it will have to wait. Here's something interesting from the book I was actually assigned:

"Our experiences are now rooted in the processes of consumption rather than production...The people were miners, shipbuilders, or mill workers and the basis of social life was for these men and women their relationship with the process of production" (36-37)

I think this is really interesting because it seems to be true that people's identities used to be tied more to their work and production, as can be seen in the surnames of Baker, Smith, Schomaker, etc. Pretty cool.

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