Monday, November 19, 2007

Corporate Art

Why is it that the best and most beautiful art is made by advertisers? Why is it that the only people putting up any kind of real money to be creative are corporations?

While I was at L'Abri, one of the workers emphasized the idea that the Church should be one of the major patrons of the arts, if we really believe that God made us creative in His image.

That said, here's some really stinking cool corporate art, while we're waiting. All are from Sony Bravia. There are three that rock. One has paint, one has bouncy balls, one has play-doh bunnies. They're all really cool. You can find them in better definition at their website: Sony Bravia Europe
Here's crappy YouTube versions. I think Claire showed me these, thanks Claire.


  1. you may have just insulted every starving artist, student artist and regular person artist out there.

  2. These are beautiful. I remember this point being made somewhere else, though.
