Sunday, November 4, 2007

treasures in heaven

I was at the Veritas leadership meeting today and we were reading in Luke 6 about something or other and there was about half a verse about us being rewarded in the afterlife for things we do here. It struck me how very odd this idea is, both from the perspective of our current culture and (from what little I know of the) Buddhist perspective.

I generally tend towards the (wrong view) of us not having any right to protest against any wrongs done to us in this life because we have done so much wrong and therefore deserve what ever is coming to us. I am in the (very long and drawn out) process of Christ changing my mind to want justice in the world. As in, wrongs done to us are still wrong (and should be punished) even though we are guilty as well.

Okay, to get to the point. The idea that we are rewarded is possibly absurd. God promises us a reward for our striving. We don't just do things because they are right and the very rightness is self-rewarding. But God pours even more blessing on top. Maybe. This sounds right, but I have just started thinking about this and honestly have no idea.

But one other thing that goes along with this idea: I was talking to Andy Patton on Wednesday and he has been reading By Demonstration: God by Wade Bradshaw (you can read about his thoughts here at his blog). Wade Bradshaw used to be a worker at English L'Abri - where I was for a semester this time last year, and the book was born out of his experiences there. I tried to read the book while I was at L'Abri but got distracted.

But anyway, Andy said that one thing that he's gotten out of the book is the idea that our current culture looks at Christianity and Biblical values as somewhat beneath their own. Like it would almost be a downgrade morally to adhere to Christian values. Traditional Christian moral standpoints such as being pro-life, womens roles in the church and home, and views of other religions seem almost archaic.

This all relates back to treasures in Heaven, I promise. The idea of us getting rewarded for our strivings and faith by some kind of reward almost seems archaic. Morality should be done for morality's sake, right? To be rewarded for faith-acts seems absurd and greedy.

But God knows us, He made us. He engages with our desires and works with us. It's not just Him in the clouds making demands. He lets us see the fruit of our labors. He gives us hope. He's a good God.

p.s. - my Dad has that picture somewhere up in his office at home. i like it.

1 comment:

  1. I actually found your blog because of the picture. I like it too. It represents the Father that Jesus is to us. He takes us in undeservingly just because we believe in Him. What an awesome gift is that. I agree that us recieving any adddional reward for doing what it is we aught to do to begin with is absurd, yet that is what He has promised us. As I see it, it is like a parent who offers their child a reward for cleaning their room or doing their homework. These should be things that are expected of their child, and they are, but then a reward is given for it. It may seem silly, but that extra motivation works on many. I believe that is one reason the Lord decided to make such a decision. The other comes from pure love.
    Another thought on this is when we do what it is we should do for the Lord, it shows Him our love for Him. He sees our hearts in our serving and so we can't just do just to do, it has to mean something. It would be like if a husband came home and gave his wife some flowers, tossed them on the table and said, "here, I thought you might need them." She wouldn't even want the flowers then. The same goes for our service to the Lord.
    When we die and if we have accepted Jesus as Savior, we will see Him and recieve our crowns for our service here on earth. The Bible speaks about our casting of our crowns to Jesus. I believe that when we get there and recieve our reward, we will feel so undeserving and return them to the One who gave us the ability to serve in the first place. This is my short and skinny on this topic.

    Feel free to check out my blog at I would love to chat.
