Monday, March 10, 2008

Androgynous Street Fashion

My friend Lauren, from L'Abri, wrote something interesting in her blog: "I'm aware that modern street fashion is hideous and unflattering to everyone who isn't androgynous." Are these guys or girls?



Speaking of androgyny, in my adolescent human development class today we debated whether to teach androgyny (that is, taking all beneficial traits from both sexes) in classrooms. Some people said that we shouldn't teach any kind of gender traits as superior, some people said that we need really feminine people and really masculine people to fill roles in society, some said that androgyny is the way to go, since you can have the best of both worlds. To me, the concept of androgyny seems like you're giving up more than you're gaining. Instead of being a feminine female or a masculine male, you're kind of neither and both at the same time. It's interesting, sure, but i'm not sure it's the best option.


  1. Social and gender norms will ruin your life. Do you really want to live in a society in which your only considered a women if you wear high heels and have long hair? And why should men only wear suits and ties. Etc, etc, etc.

    It's pressure like this that drives people wild. Androgyny gives us a way out of that. To break social boundaries, that's real freedom.

  2. Interesting but not the best option... What is then? Maybe you mean, it's interesting, but not the best option for who you are..?

    Human sexual diversity has been around forever.

    It was the rise of Christianity that resulted in the obsolescence of androgyny; that is it’s no longer being wanted. With this came the culture of heterosexuality being seen as the norm; it is afterall an essential part in God’s grand plan for the creation human beings.

    Homosexuality, androgyny and exploration of sexuality through action/clothing etc defy this purpose and therefore question God and creation.

    The revitalization of androgyny in culture and society offers a contrary perspective to Christianity, stereotypes and the ways in which we live our lives; after all human by nature is androgynous. All humans are born with both sex hormones and all humans have the same emotions.

    Gender behaviours are conditioned by social norms varying from culture to culture. It is the discarding of these restrictions that allows one to discover the ‘natural’ androgynous self.

    Sorry for making assumptions, but I would consider this the reason why the first person to comment finds breaking the social boundaries of gender as liberating. For many people androgyny is the best choice.

    And increasing prevalence of androgyny within modern society suggests the theory of evolution holds greater sway then the traditional views of Christianity at this time.

    This is just my own personal view which is greatly underpinned with what I've read in regards to gender (throughout history and in modern society). I would also like to add that I think people should dress how they want to dress and we should accept people for who they are, (masculine, femine or both) whether they are male or female. Prejudice and judgement does far more damage then a chic walking down the street in some man pants afterall.
