Monday, March 10, 2008

Girl Scout Season!

I couldn't really figure out how to write about this, in order to capture its full beauty. It's hard to blog about articles, I wish they had a button that would just transfer the whole thing, linked, to a post. They probably do. People are so smart.

Wired Magazine has been pretty consistently interesting lately, whatever I've had to look up. They're pretty witty. Ok - here's the article, also mostly for Julie.

'How to: Kill Someone with a Girl Scout Sash'
A martial-arts expert is trying to hawk a "Cold Steel Sarong" as a martial-arts weapon: "Sarongs aren’t just isn’t ordinary items of clothing though, they’re blankets, sunshades, cloaks, backpacks, and a formidable self-defense tool as well." Watch the vid, it's worth it.

- in other news, I got the Vampire Weekend CD, I'm quite pleased.