Wednesday, April 29, 2009

travel notes: spain


How to deal with anxiety-
1. Stop caring
2. Study the culture exhaustively

Get a good guide book - without it you will be taking an architecture/street fashion/cuisine tour.

Download some of their traditional music to be your soundtrack whilest going around the city. The music was made and influenced by the culture - combining them provides a fuller picture.

Bring nail clippers and real scissors every time.

Being a small container of sink clothing detergent for dresses and underwear (always running out!).

No Iberia airlines again - no personal movie and small seats

Buy a leather jacket - look at rag-o-rama and garage sales as well as online now.

Take a backpack next time travelling?

Look for a good travel commentary online, combining cultural insights with entertaining historical information.

Pack pop-tarts in luggage for emergencies.

A better purse for around the city and in airports - fashionable, easy to get into for me, safe from pick-pocketers

1 comment:

  1. I used the sink detergent in Peru, but unfortunately it was so muggy my clothes never dried. Gross.
